Phosh – 0
Phosh is a Wayland shell for mobile devices using GNOME technologies.
GLib—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation | |
Handy—1 | Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME applications. |
Browse documentation |
Activity |
An app in the favorites overview. |
Ambient |
Ambient light sensor handling. |
AppAuthPrompt |
A system modal prompt to authorize applications. |
AppGrid | |
AppGridBaseButton |
Base class for buttons in app grid. Add the display widget (like image or grid of images) as a
child. Use |
AppGridButton |
An app-grid button to represent an application launcher or favorite. |
AppGridFolderButton |
A widget to display the apps in a folder. |
AppListModel | |
AppTracker |
Application state tracker. |
Arrow |
An animated arrow. |
AudioDevice |
Audio device information stored in |
AudioDeviceRow |
A widget intended to be stored in a |
AudioDevices |
The currently available audio devices as a list model. The model can hold either input or output devices. |
AudioSettings |
Widget to conrol Audio device selection and volume. |
Auth |
PAM authentication handling. |
AuthPromptOption | |
Background |
A |
BackgroundCache |
A cache of background images. |
BackgroundImage |
An image for a |
BackgroundManager |
BatteryInfo |
A widget to display the battery status. |
BtDeviceRow |
A widget to display a Bluetooth device. |
BtInfo |
A widget to display the bluetooth status. |
BtManager |
Tracks the Bluetooth status. |
BtStatusPage |
A Quick setting status page widget to show Bluetooth devices. |
Call |
A phone call. |
CallNotification |
The notifictaion shown when a call is ongoing. The call is set at construction time and can’t be changed. |
CallsDBusCallsCallProxy |
The |
CallsDBusCallsCallSkeleton |
The |
CallsDBusObjectManagerClient |
The |
CallsDBusObjectProxy |
The |
CallsDBusObjectSkeleton |
The |
CallsManager |
Track ongoing phone calls. |
Clamp |
A container limiting its natural size request. |
ConnectivityInfo |
A widget to display the connectivity status. |
DBusColorProxy |
The |
DBusColorSkeleton |
The |
DBusDisplayConfigProxy |
The |
DBusDisplayConfigSkeleton |
The |
DBusEndSessionDialogProxy |
The |
DBusEndSessionDialogSkeleton |
The |
DBusGnomeShellProxy |
The |
DBusGnomeShellSkeleton |
The |
DBusHostname1Proxy |
The |
DBusHostname1Skeleton |
The |
DBusImplPortalAccessProxy |
The |
DBusImplPortalAccessSkeleton |
The |
DBusImplPortalRequestProxy |
The |
DBusImplPortalRequestSkeleton |
The |
DBusLoginManagerProxy |
The |
DBusLoginManagerSkeleton |
The |
DBusLoginSessionProxy |
The |
DBusLoginSessionSkeleton |
The |
DBusMountOperationHandlerProxy |
The |
DBusMountOperationHandlerSkeleton |
The |
DBusNotification |
A notifiction submitted via the DBus notification interface. |
DBusOfonoManagerProxy |
The |
DBusOfonoManagerSkeleton |
The |
DBusOfonoNetworkRegistrationProxy |
The |
DBusOfonoNetworkRegistrationSkeleton |
The |
DBusOfonoSimManagerProxy |
The |
DBusOfonoSimManagerSkeleton |
The |
DBusScreenSaverProxy |
The |
DBusScreenSaverSkeleton |
The |
DBusScreenshotProxy |
The |
DBusScreenshotSkeleton |
The |
DBusSensorProxyCompassProxy |
The |
DBusSensorProxyCompassSkeleton |
The |
DBusSensorProxyProxy |
The |
DBusSensorProxySkeleton |
The |
DBusSessionManagerProxy |
The |
DBusSessionManagerSkeleton |
The |
DockedInfo |
A widget to display the docked status. |
DockedManager |
Handles ‘docking” the phone to additional hardware. |
DragSurface |
A drgable layer surface. |
EmergencyCallsManager |
Manages emergency calls and contacts. Contacts are kept in a GListStore containing the emergency contacts form the calls API. |
EmergencyCallsProxy |
The |
EmergencyCallsSkeleton |
The |
EmergencyContact | |
EmergencyContactRow |
A widget that displays a the data in the attached |
EmergencyMenu |
A menu that allows the user to dial an emergency service, see emergency info and quickly call emergency contacts. |
EndSessionDialog |
A system modal prompt to authorize applications. |
Fader |
A fader. |
FadingLabel |
A label that visually fades out when too wide for the given space. |
FavoriteListModel |
A since: 0.1.3 |
FeedbackInfo |
A widget to display feedback status. |
FeedbackManager |
Sends and configures user feedback. |
FolderInfo |
An object that represents a list of applications belonging to a folder. |
GeoClueDBusManagerProxy |
The |
GeoClueDBusManagerSkeleton |
The |
GeoClueDBusOrgFreedesktopGeoClue2AgentProxy |
The |
GeoClueDBusOrgFreedesktopGeoClue2AgentSkeleton |
The |
GnomeShellManager |
Provides the org.gnome.Shell DBus interface. |
GtkMountManager |
Provides the org.Gtk.GtkMountOperationHandler DBus interface. |
GtkMountPrompt |
A modal prompt for |
Head |
An output head. |
HksInfo |
A widget to display the HKS status of a device. |
HksManager |
Tracks hardware kill switch state. |
Home |
The home surface contains the overview and the home bar to fold and unfold the overview. |
IdleDBusIdleMonitorProxy |
The |
IdleDBusIdleMonitorSkeleton |
The |
IdleDBusObjectManagerClient |
The |
IdleDBusObjectProxy |
The |
IdleDBusObjectSkeleton |
The |
IdleManager |
The idle manager singleton. |
KeyboardEvents |
Grabs and manages special keyboard events. |
Keypad |
A keypad for pin input. |
LauncherEntryManager |
Handles the launcher entry DBus API. See |
LayerSurface |
A |
LayoutManager |
Provide information on how to layout shell elements. since: 0.29.0 |
LocationInfo |
A widget to display the location service status. |
LocationManager |
Provides the org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Agent DBus interface. |
Lockscreen |
The main lock screen. |
LockscreenManager |
The singleton that manages screen locking. |
Lockshield |
Lock shield for non primary screens. |
Manager |
Base class for manager objects. |
MediaPlayer |
A simple MPRIS media player widget. |
ModeManager |
Determines the device mode. |
Monitor |
A monitor. |
MonitorManager |
The singleton that manages available monitors. |
MountManager |
Mount devices. |
MountNotification |
A notifiction shown when a device got mounted. |
MountOperation |
MprisDBusMediaPlayer2PlayerProxy |
The |
MprisDBusMediaPlayer2PlayerSkeleton |
The |
MprisDBusMediaPlayer2Proxy |
The |
MprisDBusMediaPlayer2Skeleton |
The |
NetworkAuthManager |
Handles the interaction between networkmanager and the auth prompts. |
Notification |
A notification displayed to the user. |
NotificationBanner |
A floating notification. |
NotificationContent |
Content of a notification. |
NotificationFrame |
A frame containing one or more notifications. |
NotificationList |
A list containing one or more |
NotificationSource |
A |
NotifyDBusNotificationsProxy |
The |
NotifyDBusNotificationsSkeleton |
The |
NotifyFeedback |
Provide feedback on notifications. |
NotifyManager |
Manages notifications. |
OsdWindow |
A OSD Window. |
Osk0SmPuriOSK0Proxy |
The |
Osk0SmPuriOSK0Skeleton |
The |
OskButton |
A button that toggles the OSK. |
OskManager |
A manager that handles the OSK. |
Overview |
The overview shows running apps and the app grid to launch new applications. |
PasswordEntry |
A widget for entering passwords. since: 0.33.0 |
PluginLoader |
Loads plugins for a given extension point. since: 0.21.0 |
PolkitAuthAgent |
PolicyKit Authentication Agent. |
PolkitAuthPrompt |
A modal prompt for policy kit authentication. |
PortalAccessManager |
Implements org.freedesktop.impl.portal. |
PortalRequest |
Shared request api for all portal backend interfaces. |
PowerMenu |
Menu on power button press. |
PowerMenuManager |
Handles the power button menu. |
Proximity |
Proximity sensor handling. |
QuickSetting |
A |
QuickSettings |
A widget to display quick-settings using |
QuickSettingsBox |
A |
Revealer |
Reveals e.g. a since: 0.25.0 |
RfkillDBusRfkillProxy |
The |
RfkillDBusRfkillSkeleton |
The |
RotateInfo |
A widget to display the rotate lock status. |
RotationManager |
The Rotation Manager. |
RunCommandDialog |
A modal dialog to run commands from. |
RunCommandManager |
Handles the run-command-dialog. |
ScreenSaverManager |
Provides the org.gnome.ScreenSaver DBus interface and handles logind’s Session. |
ScreenshotManager |
Screenshot interaction. |
SensorProxyManager |
Interface with iio-sensor-proxy. |
SessionClientPrivateDBusClientPrivateProxy |
The |
SessionClientPrivateDBusClientPrivateSkeleton |
The |
SessionManager |
Session interaction. |
SessionPresence |
Interface with gnome-session’s Presence interface. |
SessionPresenceDBusPresenceProxy |
The |
SessionPresenceDBusPresenceSkeleton |
The |
Shell |
The shell singleton. |
Splash |
A splash screen. |
SplashManager |
Handles splash screens. |
StatusIcon |
Base class for status icons used in the Phosh’s top-bar or in
StatusPage |
Additional status information associated with a |
StatusPagePlaceholder |
A placeholder in a |
StyleManager |
The style manager is responsible for picking style sheets and themes and notifying other parts of the shell about changes. |
SuspendManager |
Manages suspend and inhibit’s suspend when not useful. |
SwipeAwayBin | |
SystemModal |
A modal system component. |
SystemModalDialog |
A modal system dialog. |
SystemPrompt |
A modal system prompt. |
Thumbnail |
An abstract class representing a thumbnail image. |
TimestampLabel |
A simple way of displaying a time difference. |
Toplevel |
Represents a single toplevel surface. |
ToplevelManager |
Tracks and interacts with toplevel surfaces for window management purposes using the wlr-foreign-toplevel-unstable-v1 wayland protocol. |
ToplevelThumbnail |
Represents an image snapshot of PhoshToplevel obtained via phosh-private and wlr-screencopy Wayland protocols. |
TopPanel |
The top panel. |
TopPanelBg | |
TorchInfo |
A widget to display the torch status. |
TorchManager |
Interacts with torch via UPower. |
VpnInfo |
A widget to display the vpn status. |
VpnManager |
Tracks the Vpn status and handle vpn credentials entry. |
WallClock |
Wall clock used for fetching date and time. |
Wayland |
A wayland registry listener. |
WidgetBox |
A box of widgets for the lock screen. |
WifiInfo |
A widget to display the Wi-Fi status. |
WifiManager |
Tracks the Wi-Fi status and handle Wi-Fi credentials entry. |
WifiNetwork |
An object that represents a Wi-Fi network. |
WifiNetworkRow |
A widget to display a PhoshWifiNetwork. |
WifiStatusPage |
A widget to display list of Wi-Fi access points when the corresponding PhoshQuickSetting is activated. |
WWanInfo |
A widget to display the wwan status. |
WWanManager |
Base class for |
WWanMM |
Implementation of the since: 0.0.1 |
WWanOfono |
Implementation of the since: 0.4.5 |
CallsDBusCallsCall |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.Calls.Call. |
CallsDBusObject |
The |
DBusColor |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Color. |
DBusDisplayConfig |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig. |
DBusEndSessionDialog |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.SessionManager.EndSessionDialog. |
DBusGnomeShell |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.Shell. |
DBusHostname1 |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.hostname1. |
DBusImplPortalAccess |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Access. |
DBusImplPortalRequest |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request. |
DBusLoginManager |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.login1.Manager. |
DBusLoginSession |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.login1.Session. |
DBusMountOperationHandler |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.Gtk.MountOperationHandler. |
DBusOfonoManager |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.ofono.Manager. |
DBusOfonoNetworkRegistration |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.ofono.NetworkRegistration. |
DBusOfonoSimManager |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.ofono.SimManager. |
DBusScreenSaver |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.ScreenSaver. |
DBusScreenshot |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.Shell.Screenshot. |
DBusSensorProxy |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface net.hadess.SensorProxy. |
DBusSensorProxyCompass |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface net.hadess.SensorProxy.Compass. |
DBusSessionManager |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.SessionManager. |
EmergencyCalls |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.Calls.EmergencyCalls. |
GeoClueDBusManager |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Manager. |
GeoClueDBusOrgFreedesktopGeoClue2Agent |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Agent. |
IdleDBusIdleMonitor |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.Mutter.IdleMonitor. |
IdleDBusObject |
The |
MprisDBusMediaPlayer2 |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.mpris.MediaPlayer2. |
MprisDBusMediaPlayer2Player |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player. |
NotifyDBusNotifications |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.Notifications. |
Osk0SmPuriOSK0 |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface sm.puri.OSK0. |
RfkillDBusRfkill |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Rfkill. |
SessionClientPrivateDBusClientPrivate |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.SessionManager.ClientPrivate. |
SessionPresenceDBusPresence |
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.SessionManager.Presence. |
WWan |
Implementations of the since: 0.0.1 |
Animation | |
BackgroundData | |
HeadMode | |
HeadStatePending | |
LogicalSize | |
MonitorMode | |
PhysicalSize | |
WlBuffer |
A buffer received from the Wayland compositor containing image data. |
AnimationType |
The animation type of |
AppGridButtonMode |
Display mode of a |
DragSurfaceDragMode |
The drag mode of the drag surface. Specifies how and where the surface is draggable. |
DragSurfaceState |
The state of the drag surface. |
HksDeviceType |
Keep in sync with kernels rfkill types. |
HomeState |
The state of |
LayoutClockPosition | |
LockscreenPage |
Indicates which page is currently shown on the lockscreen. |
LogoutAction |
The requested action the |
MediaPlayerStatus |
The status of the media player attached to the wigget. |
ModeDeviceType |
A type of device. |
MonitorConnectorType |
This matches the values in drm_mode.h. |
MonitorManagerConfigMethod |
Equivalent to the ‘method’ enum in org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig. |
MonitorPowerSaveMode |
The power save mode of a monitor. |
MonitorTransform |
The monitors rotation. This corresponds to the values in the org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig DBus protocol. |
NotificationReason | |
NotificationUrgency | |
RotateInfoMode |
What is toggled when short pressing the rotation info quick setting. |
RotationManagerMode |
The mode of a |
ShellLayout |
How the shell’s UI elements are layed out. |
TopPanelState | |
WWanBackend |
Which WWAN backend to use. |
AppFilterModeFlags |
Controls what kind of app filtering is done. |
ModeHwFlags |
Attached external hardware. |
NotifyScreenWakeupFlags |
What notification properties trigger screen wakeup. |
SessionManagerFlags | |
ShellActionMode | |
ShellDebugFlags |
These flags are to enable/disable debugging features. |
ShellKeyBindingFlags | |
ShellStateFlags |
These flags are used to keep track of the state
the |
WaylandSeatCapabilities |
These match wl_seat_capabilities. |
clear_fd | |
connect_feedback |
Installs “pressed” and “released” signal handlers for haptic feedback. |
cp_widget_destroy | |
create_shm_file |
Create a shared memory file of the given size. |
error_warnv | |
find_base_dir | |
find_systemd_session | |
gamma_table_fill | |
get_desktop_app_info_for_app_id |
Looks up an app info object for specified application ID. Tries a bunch of transformations in order to maximize compatibility with X11 and non-GTK applications that may not report the exact same string as their app-id and in their desktop file. |
get_resource | |
log_set_log_domains |
Set the current logging domains. This sets an appropriate log handler as well. |
munge_app_id |
Munges an app_id according to the rules used by gnome-shell, feedbackd and phoc for gsettings:. |
polkit_authentication_agent_register | |
strip_suffix_from_app_id |
Strip the desktop suffix from app_id. |
system_prompter_register |
Register the system prompter. |
system_prompter_unregister | |
trigger_feedback |
Trigger feedback for the given event asynchronously. |
util_append_to_strv |
Append |
util_data_uri_to_pixbuf |
Converts a data URI to a |
util_escape_markup |
Escapes the given markup either fully or (when |
util_file_equal | |
util_gesture_is_touch |
Allow to check whether a gesture’s last event was a touch press or release. This can be used to distinguish mouse and touchpad clicks from touch press/release. |
util_get_icon_by_wifi_strength | |
util_have_gnome_software | |
util_matches_app_info | |
util_open_settings_panel |
Open the settings panel corresponding to the given name. |
util_remove_from_strv |
Remove all elements from a string array that match |
util_toggle_style_class |
Adds or removes the specified style class on the widget. |
Function Macros
Icon name to use for apps we can’t identify or whose icon is invalid. |